
All services are offered via a secure online video platform.


Integrative Counseling

Dis-ease (referring to either physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, or energetic imbalance or a combination of those things) can occur and usually does occur on many levels. Under a traditional counseling model you are often only addressing an emotional or mental imbalance, at a singular level of consciousness. Integrative counseling is an upgrade to traditional counseling, psychotherapy, and talk therapy because it recognizes that healing is holistic. Working on several layers of being simultaneously tends to focus on getting at the root cause, and that leads to long term positive change. Working with tools from psychology, energy psychology, metaphysics and nutrition we create the recipe for well being unique to your personal needs.

*Integrative Counseling available only in Colorado State


Hypnotherapy is the use of hypnosis in a therapeutic setting for the purpose of working at the level of the mind that governs roughly 90% of our behavior.  Research has shown that changes made at the subconscious level are more likely to stick than therapies only aimed at working at the conscious level. While using hypnosis you enter a focused state of awareness and concentration, where the senses are heightened and the physical body relaxes. It is in this state that your receptivity to thoughts and suggestions entering the mind increases, creating an ideal learning environment. In other words: a positive goal or intention that exists only in the conscious minds, in this relaxed state, bypasses the critical faculties of the mind; overrides the old subconscious programming that previously prevented you from achieving your goals; and aligns the subconscious with your conscious mind. The result: you embodying your most successful self utilizing 100% of your mind’s power.

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT, Tapping)

To paraphrase Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Nobel Laureate in Medicine, moving energy has been central to accomplishing healing in every culture and every medical tradition before ours (Western Medicine). And although energy psychology is a relatively new modality, the practice of working with energy systems is not. Under the umbrella of energy psychology, EFT is the utilization of fingertip tapping (also known as Acupressure) on various acupuncture points combined with cognitive and exposure therapy for the purpose of reducing emotional distress brought about by disruptive memories and/or incidents. It has frequently been named one of the most successful psychology techniques, and over 100 clinical trials have demonstrated its effectiveness in the treatment of anxiety, depression, trauma, pain, phobias, and several physical diagnoses. It is an especially useful technique for those who have found talk therapy alone to be insufficient.

Nutritional Counseling

Here’s where we literally get cooking! After a thorough assessment of your needs. You will receive a tailored program. Through food you will begin to regulate mood, improve sleep, increase energy, reduce cravings, and help you stay off, reduce, or eliminate the use of pharmaceuticals.

Purchase products through our Fullscript virtual dispensary.


During our work together there may come a time when we deem it necessary to support your healing with nutritional supplements. Current clients may create a secure account with Fullscript to receive personalized supplement recommendations from me, which you may purchase and have shipped to your home.

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