Look! Your Wisdom is showing…
Please take a moment to sense how it feels to have your wisdom witnessed. For many of us this is a very rare experience. Too often our consciousness is occupied by the part of ourselves that has felt the limits that have arisen from the challenges we have faced in our life. And we get stuck looking at our life and our world from those limits. Then operating our life from those limits, and our wisdom goes unnoticed.
Then one day we have THAT moment. You know the one. The one where we find ourselves saying:
“There is more beyond this pain, this trauma, this loss, etc.”
“The world is suffering, but what can I do?”
“There has to be more for my life and the world.”
“Life can’t only be a continual series of pain and disappointments.”
If you resonate with one or all of these statements, welcome to waking up from those limited beliefs and getting reacquainted with the truth of who you are. The part of you that has the ability to hold space for your wounded parts, while simultaneously calling you forward to a more purposeful future.
And I suspect your wisdom led you here. If you are ready to start living your life fully from the wisest most loving part of you, please reach out for a free consultation.

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