Frequently Asked Questions


How do I know which service is appropriate for my situation?

There are some common signs that Mental Health Counseling is the necessary service, such as addictive behaviors, disordered eating, complicated grief, self harming, suicidal thoughts, and/or psychotic symptoms. If one or more of these are present then mental health counseling is the necessary service. If you are experiencing now or have in the past experienced any of the signs of anxiety, depression, and trauma I have provided a link below to the following three quick assessments to help you determine if the signs are at the level that will require psychotherapy and/or mental health counseling services. 

GAD 7 – Anxiety Assessment – link to use:

PHQ 9 – Depression Assessment – link to use:

ACES Survey for Trauma Assessment – link to use:

Please note that for Colorado residents I may act as your primary counselor and for those outside of Colorado state I will act as an adjunct care provider collaborating with your primary care providers. Reaching out for a free 30 minute consultation will help determine if my services are appropriate for your situation.

How long will the service last?

There is no exact method for determining service length. It can be short term if you are wanting to focus on a very specific issue. If your needs for the services are directed at a consistent behavior pattern or aimed at personal development then services will take longer. 

If you consider that there are 168 hours in a week and we spend only an hour to an hour and a half in our session each week, comparatively that is not close to how long it took for specific maladaptive beliefs or behaviors to develop. Each week we will likely learn new skills, and integrating those skills through some form of practice or contemplative exercise such as journaling or mindfulness in your life outside of session, will not only enhance the quality of your experience, but will likely shorten the time the service will take.  The more time you put into your desired outcome the shorter the service length. 

Do you accept insurance?

In my experience, you receive better care when you are central to making decisions about your treatment with your care providers. Insurance and managed care companies have one central aim, which is to reduce costs. They limit costs in care by limiting the types of treatment they cover, the number of sessions, and types of diagnoses they cover. The people who make these decisions are not educated or trained in the skills necessary to dictate what is appropriate treatment. Due to these considerations, I have chosen not to accept insurance payments. 

For those of you who wish to seek reimbursement from your insurance or managed care company for “out of network” services, I will provide you with the proper paperwork and you may submit that to your insurance company. Some important considerations with this option are as follows: 1) Managed care companies require that I give you a Mental Health diagnosis, and at times, you may be asked to provide additional information about the content of your sessions, number of our sessions and your progress. 2) Please be aware that this diagnosis and information becomes part of your Medical Record and that may not benefit you in the future. 

Do you offer weight loss services?

The services that I offer are aimed at long term health behavior change and body positivity. Research shows that services with the solitary goal of losing weight do not tend to yield the long term health benefits that improve the quality of life throughout our lifespan and can often lead to health issues later in life. 

My specialty is the improvement of mood, energy, sleep issues, and social relationships, and food is only one of the tools used. It is possible that while utilizing the services I have to offer that you may experience weight changes, but that is not the primary focus of our work. If you are experiencing rapid weight gain or loss it will be important to discuss those changes with me as they could indicate a separate issue and you getting the highest quality care you need is a top priority. 

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